Crack any comptetive exam


.Know the Exam:

 It’s the first and foremost step that most students unfortunately ignore. Knowing the objective and purpose of the exam gives you clarity on what the exam-conducting body is looking out in the candidates. A highly recommended tip: Swallow the entire syllabus. Be thorough with it. If you are not, you are gone. Because the curriculum helps you to organize the structure. Know the weightage pattern and plan your time accordingly. Study the previous year question papers so that you can get the idea of the exam pattern.



2. Follow a Time-Table:

Time-Table helps you to plan the short-term and long-term goals accordingly. Time-based targets help you to allocate the right time for the right subject and topic. Don’t be overambitious while making a Time-Table. 


·        Few tips to take care while drafting a Time-Table:


·        Make a fixed time to study.

·        Take short breaks in between.

·        Don’t overstretch the study time. 

·        Allocate more time for difficult subjects.

·        Allocate the time for Revision

·        Don’t miss out on your hobbies from the schedule. 


More importantly, be practical. Now the question comes, how? Make a study time table after studying yourself. Know whether you’re a nocturnal or diurnal person? At what time, your energy is more active? Mostly, we ignore them because it didn’t seem of utmost importance. But it is.


Be mentally prepared too that you’ll fail many times. No one has followed the Time Table in one go. The moment you deviate from your schedule, accept it, kick yourself up, and get back to it. And remember, never say you can’t stick to the Time Table. Believe in yourself, you’ll be able to ace it.


3. Build your Basics:

Most of the students, never try to get the clarity of the concept; they are busier in memorizing. Because missing on the fundamentals means not building the foundation of the subject. A mountain is as high as the larger its base is. Hence, a well—understood concepts remain with you for a very long period, and it helps you to handle the related questions comfortably. Preparing the short-notes of the basic concept is highly recommended so that you can revise the same before the exam. And a ready-note will always be a friend in need.


4. Revise and Evaluate Yourself Timely:

Assessing yourself from time-to-time is an essential practice to be carried out for successful exam preparation. Give more and more mock tests, practice more. Download the previous year sample papers. Start solving them as you are preparing for the competitive exam. Imagine yourself in an examination hall and solve the paper in a time duration without taking breaks in between. After the completion of the test, analyze your answer sheet, jot down the wrong answers, and revise them suitably. 


5. Be confident:

Confidence is the key. No doubt. But Confidence without the preparation is a disaster. Keep positive thoughts, be well-prepared, and give your 100%. Whenever you study, you have an optimistic attitude towards the exam. Don’t get over-confident too. Try to make out a balance. Study throughout the year and avoid the last-minute rush to avoid the stress and negativity.


6. Take care of your Body and Mind:

Body and mind is the only instrument through which we can function. But are we taking care of our tools? Mostly not. Hence, it is important to eat healthy, exercise, and meditate daily to enhance the energy and concentration power. On the mental health front, stay away from negative people. Instead, surround yourself with those who believe in yourself. Avoid taking stress because it is not going to help you anyway.



Overall, organize and pre-plan your study space appropriately, revise, believe in yourself, eat and sleep right, exercise, and meditate daily because that’ll help you to deal with the exam-related difficulties effectively. If you follow the above steps, sincerely, then you’ll pass with the flying colors in your first attempt.


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